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How to use the Map() object in vanilla JS

Yesterday, we looked at how to use the Set() object. Today, we’re going to look at its cousin, the Map() object.

Let’s dig in.

What is the Map() object

The Map() object is to plain objects ({}) what Set() is to arrays.

A Map() object is an iterable of key/value pairs that are stored and looped through in order. The big difference between a Map() and a plain object is that Map() items retain their order, while plain object values do not.

You can create a Map() object with the new Map() constructor. Pass in an iterable of key value pairs (also as an iterable such as an array) as an argument.

// returns Map(2) {"name" => "Radagast", "color" => "brown"}
let radagast = new Map([
	['name', 'Radagast'],
	['color', 'brown']

How to iterate over a Map()

The Map() object has a Map.forEach() method that you can use to iterate over each item.

You pass in a callback function to run on each loop. The callback function receives the current item, its key, and the Map() itself as arguments.

It works a lot like the Array.forEach() method.

// logs "name", "Radagast", "color", "brown"
radagast.forEach(function (value, key) {

Because a Map() is an iterable, you can also use a for...of loop to iterate through its items. Each entry in the Map() is an array of its key/value pairs

// logs ["name", "Radagast"], ["color", "brown"]
for (let entry of radagast) {

You can use array destructuring to assign the key and value to their own variables within the for...of loop.

// logs "name", "Radagast", "color", "brown"
for (let [key, value] of radagast) {

The Map.entries() method returns back an iterator of key/value pairs as an array, similar to entry in the for...of loop example above. The Map.values() methods return back iterators with the Map() object’s values.

// logs ["name", "Radagast"], ["color", "brown"]
for (let entry of radagast.entries()) {

// logs "Radagast", "brown"
for (let value of radagast.values()) {

Getting, setting, and deleting values from a Map() object

The Map() object has several methods you can use to manipulate its values.

Use the Map.set() method to add or updated an item in a Map(). Call it on the Map() object, and pass in the key and its value as arguments

// Adds "Talks to animals" with a key of "skills" to the radagast Map()
radagast.set('skills', 'Talks to animals');

Use the Map.get() method to get the value of a specific key in a Map() object. Pass in the key as an argument.

// returns "brown"
let color = radagast.get('color');

Use the Map.has() method to check if the Map() object contains a specific key. Call it on the Map() object, and pass in the key as an argument.

It returns true if the Map() has the key, and false if it does not.

// returns true

// returns false

Use the Map.delete() method to delete an item from a Map(). Call it on the Map() object, and pass in the key to delete as an argument.

// Delete the "color" key from the radagast Map()

You can remove all items from a Map() object with the Map.clear() method.

// Remove all items from radagast

Liek plain objects, Map() objects do not have a length property. Unlike a plain object, you can check how many items are in them with the size property.

// returns 0 (because we used the radagast.clear() method)

When should you use Map() instead of a plain object

To me, the Map() object has some nice benefits, and some minor shortcomings.

One personal pet peeve of mine is that you cannot access properties in a Map() object using bracket or dot notation, like you could with a plain object.

// returns undefined
let color1 = radagast.color;

// returns "brown"
let color2 = radagast.get('color');

If you need to stringify your data, there’s no easy way to do that, either.

With a plain object, you can use the JSON.stringify() method. Bit when used with a Map(), it returns a string representation of an empty object.

// returns "{}"
let stringified = JSON.stringify(radagast);

When a Map() object wins over a plain object, in my opinion, is in two areas:

  1. Maintaining iteration order for entries
  2. Exposing a way to get the number of items in the object

Item #2 can be easily worked around for plain objects using the Object.keys() method, though.

let obj = {
	name: 'Radagast',
	color: 'brown'

// returns 2
let length = obj.keys().length;

Which is a long winded way of saying: if you need to preserve order, use a Map(). Otherwise, a plain object is probably the better bet.