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How to use the Set() object in vanilla JS

The ES6 version of JavaScript introduced a new object for creating iterable lists of items: Set().

Today, we’re going to look at how it works, how it’s different from a plain old array, and when and why you’d want to use it. Let’s dig in.

What is the Set() object?

A Set() object is an ordered list of unique items.

To create a Set(), use the new Set() constructor and pass in an iterable (such as an array) as an argument.

// Create a Set() of wizards
// returns Set(4) {"Gandalf", "Radagast", "Hermione", "Neville"}
let wizards = new Set(['Gandalf', 'Radagast', 'Hermione', 'Neville']);

If that sounds a lot like an array, that’s because… it is! One of the biggest key differences is that items in a Set() are unique. If you try to create a Set() object with more than one entry with the same value, the duplicates are automatically discarded.

// Create a Set() of wizards with duplicates
// also returns Set(4) {"Gandalf", "Radagast", "Hermione", "Neville"}
let wizards = new Set(['Gandalf', 'Radagast', 'Hermione', 'Radagast', 'Neville', 'Hermione']);

How to iterate over a Set()

The Set() object has a Set.forEach() method that you can use to iterate over each item in the set.

You pass in a callback function to run on each loop. The callback function receives the current item, its key, and the set itself as arguments.

It works a lot like the Array.forEach() method, but unlike an array, items in a Set() do not have an index. Since there’s no associated key or index, the value itself is passed in as the key instead (which is kind of absurd.).

// logs "Gandalf", "Gandalf", "Radagast", "Radagast", "Hermione", "Hermione", "Neville", "Neville"
wizards.forEach(function (wizard, key) {

Because a Set() is an iterable, you can also use a for...of loop to iterate through its values.

// logs "Gandalf", "Radagast", "Hermione", "Neville"
for (let wizard of wizards) {

The Set.entries() and Set.values() methods return back iterators with the Set() object’s entries (as an array of key/value pairs) and its values, respectively.

let sandwiches = new Set(['tuna']);

// logs ["tuna", "tuna"]
for (let entry of sandwiches.entries()) {

// logs "tuna"
for (let value of sandwiches.values()) {

Getting, setting, and deleting values from a Set()

The Set() object has several methods you can use to manipulate its values.

Use the Set.add() method to add an item to a Set(). Call it on the Set() object, and pass in the item to add as an argument.

// Add "turkey" to the sandwiches Set()

Use the Set.has() method to check if a set contains an item. Call it on the Set() object, and pass in the item to check as an argument.

It returns true if the Set() has the item, and false if it does not.

// returns true

// returns false

Use the Set.delete() method to delete an item from a Set(). Call it on the Set() object, and pass in the item to delete as an argument.

// Delete "tuna" from the sandwiches Set()

You can remove all items from a Set() with the Set.clear() method.

// Remove all items from sandwiches

Set() objects do not have a length property. You can check how many items are in them with the size property instead.

// returns 0 (because we used the sandwiches.clear() method)

When should you use Set() instead of an array

To me, the Set() object has some nice benefits, and some serious shortcomings.

For example, the Set.has() method does not work with multidimensional entries. Let’s say your Set() contained objects instead of simple values.

let lotr = new Set([
		name: 'Gandalf',
		color: 'gray'
		name: 'Radagast',
		color: 'brown'

You cannot use Set.has() to check for an entry in the lotr object. There’s no Array.find() or Array.findIndex() equivalent for the Set() object.

// returns false
	name: 'Gandalf',
	color: 'gray'

The lack of any sort of key or index means getting specific items from a Set() is harder than it needs to be.

A Set() object’s biggest selling feature is that items have to be unique. If that’s something you need, you can pass an array of potentially duplicate values into a new Set() constructor, then convert them back into an array.

let duplicates = ['Gandalf', 'Radagast', 'Hermione', 'Radagast', 'Neville', 'Hermione'];

// returns ["Gandalf", "Radagast", "Hermione", "Neville"]
let unique = Array.from(new Set(duplicates));