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How to find the intersecting values of two arrays with vanilla JavaScript

In yesterday’s article, we looked at how to check if an array includes all of the values from another.

As I was writing it, I quickly realized that if I were attempting that task with PHP, I might use the array_intersect() function, which returns a new array containing the overlapping values between two different arrays.

JavaScript doesn’t have an Array.intersect() method, so today I thought we’d create one.

First, let’s create an arrayIntersect() function. We’ll accept two arrays, arr1 and arr2, as arguments.

 * Get the intersecting values between two arrays
 * @param  {Array} arr1 The first array
 * @param  {Array} arr2 The second array
 * @return {Array}      The array of overlapping values
function arrayIntersect (arr1, arr2) {
	// ...

Next, let’s use the Array.filter() method to create a new array containing just our overlapping values.

We’ll run it on the first array, arr1.

 * Get the intersecting values between two arrays
 * @param  {Array} arr1 The first array
 * @param  {Array} arr2 The second array
 * @return {Array}      The array of overlapping values
function arrayIntersect (arr1, arr2) {
	return arr1.filter();

Inside the callback function, we’ll check if the current item is in the second array, arr2, using the Array.includes() method. If it does, we’ll include it in our new array.

 * Get the intersecting values between two arrays
 * @param  {Array} arr1 The first array
 * @param  {Array} arr2 The second array
 * @return {Array}      The array of overlapping values
function arrayIntersect (arr1, arr2) {
	return arr1.filter(function (item) {
		return arr2.includes(item);

Now, you can do something like this.

let wizards = ['Merlin', 'Gandalf', 'Ursula'];
let magicalFolk = ['Gandalf', 'Radagast', 'Ursula', 'Morgana'];

// returns ["Gandalf", "Ursula"]
let overlap = arrayIntersect(wizards, magicalFolk);

Here’s a demo.

You can find this one on the Vanilla JS Toolkit.