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How to check if an array includes all of the values from another with vanilla JS

Today, one of my students asked what the best way was to check if all of the items in one array were included in another.

Today, we’re going to look at how to do that. Let’s dig in!

An example problem

Let’s say you have an array of wizards who are enrolled in Wizard School.

let enrolled = ['Gandalf', 'Radagst', 'Ursula', 'Merlin', 'Morgana'];

For one of your classes, you have an array of wizards who are attending the class.

let attending = ['Radagast', 'Morgana', 'Bob'];

You want to make sure that all of the attending wizards are in the enrolled array. If not, they haven’t enrolled in the school and can’t attend.

Creating an includesAll() helper function

First, let’s create an includesAll() helper function.

We’ll accept the arr to check within and the subArr whose values we want to check as arguments. We’ll return a boolean: true if all of the items are included, and false if they’re not.

 * Check if one array includes all of the values in another
 * @param  {Array}   arr    The array to search within
 * @param  {Array}   subArr The sub array to check
 * @return {Boolean}        If true, all items in the subArr are included in the arr
function includesAll (arr, subArr) {
	// ...

Inside the includesAll() function, we’ll use a for...of loop to loop through each item in the subArr.

In the loop, we can use the Array.includes() method to check if the item exists in the parent arr. If not, we’ll return false.

If the loop completes, all items are included, and we can return true.

 * Check if one array includes all of the values in another
 * @param  {Array}   arr    The array to search within
 * @param  {Array}   subArr The sub array to check
 * @return {Boolean}        If true, all items in the subArr are included in the arr
function includesAll (arr, subArr) {
	for (let item of subArr) {
		if (!arr.includes(item)) return false;
	return true;

Now, we can do something like this.

let allEnrolled = includesAll(enrolled, attending);

In our case, allEnrolled would be false, since Bob is not in the enrolled array.

Here’s a demo.

Tomorrow, we’ll look at how to find all of the overlapping items in an array.