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Working with URLs with vanilla JavaScript

This week, we’ll be looking at how to work with URLs and URL query string parameters with vanilla JS. We’re kicking things off today with a look at how to create, parse, and modify URL strings.

Let’s dig in!

Quick aside: today’s article is an excerpt from my new Vanilla JS Short on the URL and URLSearchParams APIs.

The new URL() constructor

You can use the new URL() constructor to create a new URL object. Pass in an absolute URL string as an argument, or relative URL string and base URL string.

The returned URL object provides a handful of properties you can use to get, set, and modify aspects of the URL string.

// An absolute URL string
let resources = new URL('');

// A relative URL string and base URL string
let articles = new URL('/articles', '');

One you have a URL object, you can use a handful of properties to get details about the URL and manipulate them.

URL Object Properties

The URL object has a handful of instance properties that can be used to both get and set aspects of a URL string.

Some of the most useful ones include the hostname, pathname, hash, and href.

// A new URL object
let url = new URL('');

// The hostname without a port
// returns ""
let hostname = url.hostname;

// The URL path
// returns "/checkout"
let path = url.pathname;

// The URL hash
// returns "#cart"
let hash = url.hash;

// The full URL string
// returns ""
let href = url.href;

Since these properties are read and write, you can use them modify portions of a URL string.

For example, we can remove the pathname, update the hash, and then use the href property to get an updated URL string.

// Remove the pathname
url.pathname = '';

// Update the hash
url.hash = '#credit-cart';

// Get the updated URL string
let modified = url.href;

Working with query strings

Tomorrow, we’ll take a look at a complement to the URL object: the URLSearchParams object.

It can be used to get, set, modify, and delete query string parameter values.