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When is vanilla JS vanilla?

A common misconception about vanilla JS is that it means always writing your code 100% from scratch. That it shuns tools for “doing things the hard way.” That it avoids abstractions at all costs.

This is not true.

I regularly use third-party code and abstractions in my projects. I still consider them vanilla JS.

So, what makes JS vanilla or not? The line is fuzzy, and, honestly, varies from project-to-project. It’s a bit of an “I know it when I see it” kind of situation.

I think there are some things that are obviously not vanilla:

  • Frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue
  • Big libraries like Lodash, Underscore, and jQuery

And there are some things that squarely are vanilla:

But there’s also a whole ocean of things that somewhere in the middle.

Whether any of things are vanilla or not is very subjective. I typically think they are. Some people disagree.

To me, vanilla JS is an approach and a mindset more than a technical specification. It means…

  • Using what the browser gives you for as much as possible
  • Abstracting with small, dependency-free, purpose-built tools instead of boil-the-ocean frameworks and libraries
  • Picking tools that are as tiny and lightweight as possible

I hate advocating for something with such a fuzzy definition, but I don’t think it’s realistic or pragmatic to say “never use any tools ever.”

I don’t do that, and I wouldn’t expect you to, either.