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What's the best way to loop over an object with JavaScript?

Yesterday, we looked at different approach to looping over arrays and elements with JavaScript. Today, we’re going to look at a few methods for looping over objects.

Let’s dig in!

An example object

For today’s article, let’s use an object with the details of a lunch order as an example.

let lunch = {
	sandwich: 'turkey',
	chips: 'cape cod',
	drink: 'soda'

We’ll loop over it and log each item to the console, but in a real site or application, you might want to manipulate the data in some way.

The loop

A loop is similar to the for...of loop we looked at yesterday, but used to loop through objects.

In a loop, you define a variable to represent the key of the current item in the object that you’re looping over. Inside the block (the stuff between curly brackets), you can use that variable to reference the current item.

// logs "sandwich", "ham", "snack", "chips", "drink", "soda", "desert", "cookie", "guests", 3, "alcohol", false
for (let key in lunch) {
	console.log(key);        // key
	console.log(lunch[key]); // value

Here’s a demo.

Skipping and ending the loop

Just like with a for and for...of loop, you can use the continue and break operators in a loop.

for (let key in lunch) {
	if (key === 'drink') break;

Here’s another demo.

The Object.keys() method

The Object.keys() method returns an array of keys from an object. You pass in the object as an argument.

// logs ["sandwich", "chips", "drink"]
let keys = Object.keys(lunch);

You can combine it with a for...of loop (or any of the other array techniques we looked at yesterday) to loop through the object.

for (let key of Object.keys(lunch)) {

Here’s a demo of this technique in action.

The Object.entries() method

The Object.entries() method returns an array of key/value pairs from an object, also represented as arrays. Pass in the object as an argument.

// logs [["sandwich", "turkey"], ["chips", "cape cod"], ["drink", "soda"]]
let entries = Object.entries(lunch);

You can combine this technique with a for...of loop and array destructuring to loop through the object.

for (let [key, item] of Object.entries(lunch)) {

Here’s one last demo for you.

Which method should you use, and why?

This one is pretty straightforward for me: Object.entries() with for...of. Having a dedicated variable for the item in the loop is really nice.