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What to do when querySelector() fail on valid selectors

Lots of special characters are valid for IDs, classes, and names.

You can use square brackets ([]) or curly brackets ({}), unicode symbols like , and all of the special characters above the numbers on your keyboard.

<!-- These are all valid IDs, classes, and name attributes -->
<input type="email" id="form[email]" value="form[email]">
<div class="1@#%^">.1@#%^</div>
<p id="hello{world}">#hello{world}</p>

However, querySelector() and querySelectorAll() fail on some of these totally valid selectors. Sometimes they return null. Other times, like with curly brackets ({}), they throw errors.

// These all fail
var input = document.querySelector('#form[email]');
var random = document.querySelector('.1@#%^');
var par = document.querySelector('#hello{world}');

Here’s a demo.

So… what can you do about it?

Brackets, both curly and square, are easy. You can escape them with two forward slashes (\\).

// These will work
var input = document.querySelector('#form\\[email\\]');
var par = document.querySelector('#hello\\{world\\}');

Here’s another demo with proper escaping.

That doesn’t help with special characters, though.

// This still fails
var random = document.querySelector('.1\\@\\#\\%\\^');

For that, we need to convert special characters into unicode. That’s not fun.

Fortunately, Mathias Bynens has written a wonderful polyfill to handle that. You use it like this.

var random = document.querySelector('.' + CSS.escape('1@#%^'));

Here it is in action.