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Vanilla JS off-canvas navigation menus

Earlier this week I discovered Offside.js, and awesome vanilla JS off-canvas navigation plugin from Andrea Carraro.

A few things I love about Offside.js:

  • Proper documentation! This is so uncommonly rare in open source projects.
  • Multiple ways to install it. NPM, ES6 imports, old-school script and link elements. Awesomesauce!
  • Customizable with options. This is such a nice detail that makes a plugin extensible for tons of use cases and projects without needing to touch the core code. Love it!
  • Public methods. These let you do all sorts of cool things, like trigger off-canvas behaviors from other scripts and user interactions.
  • Great browser support. It works in all modern browsers, and IE9+, with clear documentation of the JS methods it uses.
  • Semantic versioning. Makes it easier to keep track of how things change over time.

I love this plugin. Great work, Andrea!