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Using multiple selectors with JavaScript selector methods

One of my favorite vanilla JS “tricks” is that you can pass multiple selectors into JavaScript selector methods like Element.querySelector(), Element.querySelectorAll(), Element.closest(), and Element.matches().

Because these methods accepts any valid CSS selector, you can use a comma-separated list of selectors to look for or match multiple selectors.

For example, let’s say you wanted to find all of the elements with the [data-toggle] and [data-content] attributes. You can pass them into the Element.querySelectorAll() method like this…

// Get all matching elements
let elems = document.querySelectorAll('[data-toggle], [data-content]');

Want to find the first element with either the #sandwich ID or the .tuna class? Pass them both in to the Element.querySelector() method…

// Get the first matching element
let sandwich = document.querySelector('#sandwich, .tuna');

This is particularly useful with the Element.matches() method. You can use it to check if an element has one of a handful of selectors on it with a single check.

// Runs on a click event
function eventHandler (event) {
	if ('#sandwich, .tuna, .mayo')) {
		console.log(`It's a sandwich!`);