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Types of errors that strict mode catches (that would otherwise be ignored)

Andrew Borstein asked a few follow-up questions to Monday’s article about strict mode over in my Vanilla JS Slack Room.

Yesterday, I clarified where to enable strict mode in your scripts. Today, let’s talk about the kinds of errors it catches.

What’s an example of an error that would be silent without [strict mode]?

Types of errors that would get ignored without strict mode include…

  1. Calling a variable that hasn’t be explicitly set.
  2. Redefining a variable that’s already been defined.

For example…

// Undefined variable
var anotherVar = 'another variable'; // No error
anotherVar = 'change variable value'; // No error
aThirdVar = 'a third variable'; // Error. Not yet been defined with `var`

// Previously defined variable
anotherVar = 'change variable value'; // No error. You're changing the value of a previously set variable
var anotherVar = 'change the value again'; // Error. The variable has already been set, so you should leave off the `var`, which implies it's a new variable