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Toggle password visibility with a checkbox or button.

Source Code


Wrap the password fields you want to toggle in the <toggle-passwored> component. You should also include a checkbox or button that will control visibility.

Add a [toggle] attribute to the button or checkbox, add the [hidden] attribute to it or a parent wrapping element to hide it by default in the UI.

<!-- A checkbox toggle -->
	<label for="password">Password</label>
	<input id="password" name="password" type="password">

	<label hidden>
		<input toggle type="checkbox">
		Show password

<!-- A button toggle -->
	<label for="password">Password</label>
	<input id="password" name="password" type="password">

	<button toggle hidden>
		Show password

When the Web Component loads, it will display the button or checkbox, add required ARIA attributes, and add event listeners to selectively show or hide the password fields when the [toggle] is clicked.

If you want the passwords to be visible by default, add the [visible] attribute to the <toggle-password> element.

<!-- Show password fields by default -->
<toggle-password visible>
	<label for="password">Password</label>
	<input id="password" name="password" type="password">

	<button toggle hidden>
		Show password

Styling Buttons

When using a button with this type of pattern, it’s common to have some text or icon that changes based on whether the password is visible or not.

You can use the [aria-pressed] attribute to selectively control visibility inside the button. It has a value of true when the password is visible, and false when it’s hidden.

<button toggle hidden>
	<span is-hidden>Show Password</span>
	<span is-visible>Hide Password</span>
toggle-password [aria-pressed="true"] [is-hidden],
toggle-password [aria-pressed="false"] [is-visible] {
	display: none;

Text changes are not announce to screen readers. I’d suggest using an [aria-label] with the text you want announced as the default label, especially when using icons instead of text.

<button toggle hidden aria-label="Show Password">
	<span is-hidden><img src="show-visibility.png"></span>
	<span is-visible><img src="hide-visibility.png"></span>


The Web Component exposes a few methods you can use to programmatically toggle password visibility if needed.

  • show() - show the password.
  • hide() - hide the password.
  • toggle() - toggle password visibility based on its current state.
let toggle = document.querySelector('toggle-password');

// Show the password;

// Hide the password

// Toggle password visibility

The Web Component

customElements.define('toggle-password', class extends HTMLElement {

	 * Instantiate the Web Component
	constructor () {

		// Get parent class properties

		// Define properties
		this.passwords = this.querySelectorAll('[type="password"]');
		this.trigger = this.querySelector('[toggle]');
		if (!this.trigger) return;
		this.type = this.trigger.tagName.toLowerCase();
		this.visible = this.hasAttribute('visible');
		this.handler = this.createHandler();

		// Setup the UI


	 * Show hidden elements and add ARIA
	init () {

		// Show hidden toggle
		let hidden = this.trigger.closest('[hidden]');
		if (hidden) {

		// If toggle is a button, add aria-pressed
		if (this.type === 'button') {
			this.trigger.setAttribute('aria-pressed', this.visible);
			this.trigger.setAttribute('type', 'button');

		// If passwords should be visible, show them by default
		if (this.visible) {;


	 * Show passwords
	show () {
		for (let pw of this.passwords) {
			pw.type = 'text';
		if (this.type === 'button') {
			this.trigger.setAttribute('aria-pressed', true);

	 * Hide password visibility
	hide () {
		for (let pw of this.passwords) {
			pw.type = 'password';
		if (this.type === 'button') {
			this.trigger.setAttribute('aria-pressed', false);

	 * Toggle password visibility on or off
	toggle () {
		let show = this.type === 'button' ? this.trigger.getAttribute('aria-pressed') === 'false' : this.trigger.checked;
		if (show) {;
		} else {

	 * Create the event handler
	 * @return {Function} The event handler function
	createHandler () {
		return (event) => {

	 * Start listening to clicks
	connectedCallback () {
		this.trigger.addEventListener('click', this.handler);

	 * Stop listening to clicks
	disconnectedCallback () {
		this.trigger.removeEventListener('click', this.handler);


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