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The Object.fromEntries() method in vanilla JS

I had a few folks respond to yesterday’s article about how to serialize form data into an object to let me know about the Object.fromEntries() method as a simpler alternative to my serialize() helper function.

Today, I was going to write about how to submit serialized data to an API. But I’m going to push that until tomorrow so we can first look at the Object.fromEntries(), how it works, and whether or not you should use it.

What the Object.fromEntries() method does

The Object.fromEntries() method takes an iterable of key/value pairs and converts it into an array. You pass the iterable in as an argument.

Using yesterday’s FormData object as an example, you can create an object of its values like this.

// Get the FormData
let form = document.querySelector('#post');
let data = new FormData(form);

// Convert it into an object
// returns {title: "Go to the beach", body: "Soak up the sun and swim in the ocean.", userId: "1"}
let formObj = Object.fromEntries(data);

It’s important to note that the Object.fromEntries() method doesn’t work on all iterables. The iterable must represent a key/value pair.

That means it will work for FormData and Map(), but not for arrays or Set().

Should you use the Object.fromEntries() method?

The Object.fromEntries() method works in all modern desktop browsers, but not Opera Android or Samsung Internet (a mobile browser on many Samsung devices).

That might not seem like a bit deal, but Samsung Internet represents anywhere from 2.5% to 6.5% of total browser share. That’s potentially more than Firefox!

Fortunately, there’s a polyfill you can use.

 * Object.entriesFrom() polyfill
 * @author Chris Ferdinandi
 * @license MIT
if (!Object.fromEntries) {
	Object.fromEntries = function (entries){
		if (!entries || !entries[Symbol.iterator]) { throw new Error('Object.fromEntries() requires a single iterable argument'); }
		let obj = {};
		for (let [key, value] of entries) {
			obj[key] = value;
		return obj;

UPDATE: There’s a big limitation with the Object.fromEntries() approach. If your form has multiple fields with the same name, only the last one will be included in the object. With a traditional server-based form submission, those items would be submitted as an array of values.

Because of this, I still recommend using a serialize() helper function instead.

I had originally responded to a few folks that I would personally not use Object.fromEntries() until mobile browser support is better.

But after thinking about it more, I’d recommend using it today with a polyfill. The great thing about polyfills is that when browser support gets better, you can rip them out without having to refactor code.