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The Object.entries() method in vanilla JS

Today, I wanted to take a look at the Object.entries() method: what it does, and when and why you might use it.

Let’s dig in!

Converting an array into an object with the Object.entries() method

The Object.entries() method accepts an object as an argument, and returns an array.

Each item in the returned array is itself an array, where the first item is a key from the object, and the second item is its matching value.

Let’s say you have an object of wizards, and the spells they can cast.

let wizards = {
	merlin: 'Dancing teacups',
	gandalf: 'You shall not pass!',
	radagast: 'Talks to animals',
	ursula: 'Steal your voice'

If you pass wizards into the Object.entries() method, you’ll get back an array of key/value pairs.

// [['merlin', 'Dancing teacups'], ['gandalf', 'You shall not pass!'], ...]
let wizardsArr = Object.entries(wizards);

Here’s a demo.

When would you ever need something like this?

This method seems weird.

If you needed to get all of the keys in an object, you could use the Object.keys() method. If you wanted the values, you could use Object.values(). If you need both, the object already has that, right?

JavaScript has some useful methods that only apply to arrays, and every now and then, you want to use one of them and still have access to both the keys and their values.

For example, imagine if you had an object of lunch orders, and the number of each item that was ordered.

let lunch = {
	soup: 2,
	bread: 1,
	sandwich: 3,
	lemonade: 7,
	tea: 2,
	pastaSalad: 4

You want to order these from most ordered to least ordered.

Array’s have the Array.sort() method, but objects don’t have anything similar. You could use Object.values() and sort that, but you’d lose the keys.

This is a good use of Array.entries().

We can convert the object to an array, preserve the key/value relationship, and sort it with the Array.sort() method.

let sorted = Object.entries(lunch).sort(function (item1, item2) {
	if (item1[1] > item2[1]) return -1;
	return 1;

Here, the returned sorted array looks like this.

let sorted = [
	["lemonade", 7],
	["pastaSalad", 4],
	["sandwich", 3],
	["soup", 2],
	["tea", 2],
	["bread", 1]

Here’s another demo.

The Object.entries() method isn’t an every day method in my toolkit, but when I need it, I’m glad its there!