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Show and hide animations with vanilla js

Last week, reader Kieran Barker asked:

I was wondering, have you ever written about making vanilla JS animations? To be honest, I’ve no idea how to approach functionality like jQuery’s slideUp(), slideDown(), fadeIn(), or fadeOut() methods. Maybe I’m over-complicating it. 😛

This is actually something you can handle today using (mostly) CSS. To trigger the animation, you would toggle a class on or off of the element you want to slide, fade, etc.

My favorite resource for this is animate.css, an amazing open source collection of CSS animations from Daniel Eden.

First, link to the CDN for the project. It’s 3.8kb minified and gzipped, but you can cherry pick just the stuff you want out of it to cut down on bandwidth.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

Let’s say I had a heading that I wanted to slide down and fade in when the user clicks a button.

<h1 id="elem">Animate</h1>

<button class="show">Show</button>
<button class="hide">Hide</button>

First, I’d add the animated class to the element, and the [hidden] attribute to hide it by default.

<h1 id="elem" class="animated" hidden>Animate</h1>

<button class="show">Show</button>
<button class="hide">Hide</button>

Next, I’d cache the #elem element to a variable, and set up a click event listener on the DOM.

var elem = document.querySelector('#elem');
document.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
	// Do something...
}, false);

If the clicked element ( has the .show class (which we can check with the matches() method), I would use the removeAttribute() method to remove the [hidden] attribute, and classList to add animate.css’s .fadeInDown class.

If the clicked element ( has the .hide class, I’ll add the [hidden] attribute back and remove the .fadeInDown class.

var elem = document.querySelector('#elem');
document.addEventListener('click', function (event) {

	if ('.show')) {

	if ('.hide')) {
		elem.setAttribute('hidden', 'true');

}, false);

Here’s a working demo.