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Scoping with vanilla JS ES modules

Over the last few days, we’ve been learning about ES modules. One of the biggest benefits of ES modules is that they let you modularize your code, making large code bases a bit easier to work with.

But, they provide another big benefit, too: built-in scoping.

What is scope?

Scope is a word to describe the context in which a function or variable is accessible.

If you can access from any function, in any script, anywhere in your site or app, it’s in the global scope. If it’s only available inside a function (and it’s child functions), it’s in the local or lexical scope. You learn more about how that works here.

Generally speaking, you want to keep your code out of the global scope.

And here’s where ES modules are super awesome. They do that for you automatically.

How to keep your code out of the global scope

With traditional scripts (as in, not ES modules), scoping your code requires you to wrap it in a function.

That might mean a named function that you explicitly call, or something called an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (or IIFE).

// answer is scoped to the run() function
var run = function () {
	var answer = 42;

// name is scoped to the IIFE
(function () {
	var name = 'Radagast';

// Because they're scoped to their functions, both of these will throw an error
// Uncaught ReferenceError: answer is not defined
// Uncaught ReferenceError: name is not defined

ES modules are scoped by default

With ES modules, you don’t need to wrap your code in a function.

Code isn’t a script loaded with the type="module" attribute or imported into another module is automatically scoped to only that module.

For example, let’s say you have a file called helpers.js, that has a variable named answer. It also has a function called getTheAnswer() that returns the value of the answer variable.

You export getTheAnswer() as the default.

var answer = 42;

var getTheAnswer = function () {
	return answer;

export default getTheAnswer;

In another file, index.js, you import getTheAnswer and alert() the result. You also define another variable, name.

import getTheAnswer from './modules/helpers.js';

var name = 'Radagast';

alert('The answer is ' + getTheAnswer());

Inside index.js, you cannot access the answer variable directly. It’s scoped to the helpers.js module and is not exported out.

You can get it’s value from getTheAnswer(), but you cannot do anything with the variable itself. Inside the index.js file, the variable doesn’t exist.

// index.js

// This will throw an error:
// Uncaught ReferenceError: answer is not defined

Similarly, you cannot access the name variable inside helpers.js. It’s scoped to index.js, and is not exported out.

Here’s a demo you can play with.