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Saving HTML to localStorage with vanilla JS

On Friday, we looked at how to update your user interface based on inputs from the user.

Today, let’s look at how to save that content in localStorage with vanilla JavaScript.

What we’ll be doing

As you may recall, on Friday we built a simple “Birthday Wishlist” app. Users can add items they want for their birthday to a list.

However, if the list disappears every time you leave the app, it’s not very useful.

We’re going to save the user’s wishlist using the localStorage browser API. When the page loads, if they have any data saved in localStorage, we’ll load that into our wishlist instead of an empty list.

Our existing code

Here’s what our markup looks like right now.

<form id="add-to-wishlist">
	<label>What do you want for your birthday?</label>
	<input type="text" name="wishlist-item" id="wishlist-item">
	<button type="submit">Add to Wishlist</button>

<ol id="wishlist"></ol>

And here’s the JavaScript that makes it all work.

// Get form, item, and wishlist
var addToWishList = document.querySelector('#add-to-wishlist');
var wishlistItem = document.querySelector('#wishlist-item');
var wishlist = document.querySelector('#wishlist');

addToWishList.addEventListener('submit', function (event) {

	// Don't submit the form

	// Ignore it if the wishlist item is empty
	if (wishlistItem.value.length < 1) return;

	// Add item to wishlist
	wishlist.innerHTML += '<li>' + wishlistItem.value + '</li>';

	// Clear input
	wishlistItem.value = '';

}, false);

Save the HTML to localStorage

The localStorage API only accepts data as a string. So, how would we save our list, which is HTML?

The innerHTML property returns the HTML inside an element as a string, which makes it the perfect way for us to get and store our list.

Let’s automatically save a users list every time they add an item to it.

You use the localStorage.setItem() method to save data to localStorage. It requires two arguments. The first is a unique ID for your localStorage, and the second is the data itself.

addToWishList.addEventListener('submit', function (event) {

	// Don't submit the form

	// Ignore it if the wishlist item is empty
	if (wishlistItem.value.length < 1) return;

	// Add item to wishlist
	wishlist.innerHTML += '<li>' + wishlistItem.value + '</li>';

	// Clear input
	wishlistItem.value = '';

	// Save the list to localStorage
	localStorage.setItem('wishlistItems', wishlist.innerHTML);

}, false);

Get data from localStorage on page load

When a user comes back to our app, we want to get any saved data from localStorage and automatically add it to their wishlist.

We’ll use localStorage.getItem() to retrieve any saved data. Then we’ll update the wishlist’s innerHTML if any data is saved.

// Check for saved wishlist items
var saved = localStorage.getItem('wishlistItems');

// If there are any saved items, update our list
if (saved) {
	wishlist.innerHTML = saved;

And with just those few lines of code, we can now save our app data.

The full JavaScript

Here’s the complete JavaScript to make this all work.

Try it for yourself on JSFiddle. Add some items to your wishlist, then leave and come back, or reload the page.

// Get form, item, and wishlist
var addToWishList = document.querySelector('#add-to-wishlist');
var wishlistItem = document.querySelector('#wishlist-item');
var wishlist = document.querySelector('#wishlist');

addToWishList.addEventListener('submit', function (event) {

	// Don't submit the form

	// Ignore it if the wishlist item is empty
	if (wishlistItem.value.length < 1) return;

	// Add item to wishlist
	wishlist.innerHTML += '<li>' + wishlistItem.value + '</li>';

	// Clear input
	wishlistItem.value = '';

	// Save the list to localStorage
	localStorage.setItem('wishlistItems', wishlist.innerHTML);

}, false);

// Check for saved wishlist items
var saved = localStorage.getItem('wishlistItems');

// If there are any saved items, update our list
if (saved) {
	wishlist.innerHTML = saved;