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Rest parameters in vanilla JavaScript

In JavaScript, a rest parameter is a function parameter that gets assigned an array with all of the arguments that are passed from that point on in a function.

You define a rest parameter by creating a parameter prefixed with .... Any arguments provided at or beyond the rest parameter on a function get combined into an array that’s assigned to the rest parameter’s name.

You can only have one rest parameter on a function. In the example below, ...moreArgs is a rest parameter.

function logStuff (arg1, arg2, ...moreArgs) {

	// Logs arg1

	// Logs arg2

	// Logs an array of any other arguments you pass in after arg2


// In this example...
// arg1 = 'chicken'
// arg2 = 'tuna'
// moreArgs = ['chips', 'cookie', 'soda', 'delicious']
logStuff('chicken', 'tuna', 'chips', 'cookie', 'soda', 'delicious');

In yesterday’s article on default function parameters, we looked at an add() function for adding numbers together.

 * Add two numbers together
 * @param  {Number} num1 The first number
 * @param  {Number} num2 The second number
 * @return {Number}      The sum of both numbers
function add (num1, num2) {
	return num1 + num2;

If you wanted to add two or more numbers together, you could use a rest parameter to capture all numbers passed in, regardless of how many there were.

Here’s our add() function rewritten with a rest parameter.

function add (...nums) {

	// Set a starting total
	let total = 0;

	// Add each number to the total
	for (let num of nums) {
		total += num;

	// Return to the total
	return total;
