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Renaming imports and exports with ES modules in vanilla JS

Late last year, I wrote about ES modules: how to import and export them, and how to define a default export.

One thing I didn’t mention is that ES modules provide a simple way to rename variables and functions when importing and exporting them. You might want to do this to avoid naming conflicts, or simple for convenience.

Today, let’s dig into how that works.

Worth mentioning: I’m working on a new Pocket Guide to ES Modules. Today’s article is an excerpt from it.

Renaming an import

Let’s say you have a helpers.js module that exports a getTheAnswer() function.

function getTheAnswer () {
	return 42;

export {getTheAnswer};

But in your index.js where you’re going to import it, you already have a function with that name.

// This is a problem because getTheAnswer() is already in this module
import {getTheAnswer} from './helpers.js';

// Tell them the total
function getTheAnswer () {
	alert(`The answer is ${getTheAnswer()}`);


Fortunately, you can rename function when you import it using the as operator: import {importedFunction as newFunctionName}.

// Rename the import
import {getTheAnswer as answer} from './helpers.js';

// Tell them the total
function getTheAnswer () {
	alert(`The answer is ${answer()}`);


Now, the getTheAnswer() function from helpers.js is assigned to the answer variable, and will not conflict with the existing function.

Renaming an export

ES modules also allow you to rename a function or variable while exporting it, again use the as syntax: export {exportedFunction as newFunctionName}.

In our helpers.js file, for example, we can rename getTheAnswer to answer on export.

function getTheAnswer () {
	return 42;

export {getTheAnswer as answer};

Then, in the index.js file, we can import the function as answer.

import {answer} from './helpers.js';

// Tell them the total
function getTheAnswer () {
	alert(`The answer is ${answer()}`);
