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Perform a shallow merge of two or more objects into the first. Pass in each object to merge as an argument.

Note: in a shallow merge, nested objects are overwritten completely rather than having their values merged together.

let object1 = {
	apple: 0,
	banana: {
		weight: 52,
		price: 100
	cherry: 97

let object2 = {
	banana: {
		price: 200
	durian: 100

let object3 = {
	apple: 'yum',
	pie: 3.214,
	applePie: true

// In this example, "banana" will only contain {price: 200}
// In a deep merge, it would contain {price: 200, weight: 52}
let merged = Object.assign(object1, object2, object3);

All objects are merged into the first. To create a new object, pass in an empty object as the first argument.

let mergedNewObj = Object.assign({}, object1, object2, object3);

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