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HTML & Text


Get and set the text of an element (and omit the markup) as a string.

The Node.textContent property gets all of the text content, including CSS properties inside of a style element and hidden UI elements. Any HTML elements included in a string when setting content with the Node.textContent property are automatically encoded and rendered as-is.

<div class="greeting">
	<style type="text/css">
		p {
			color: rebeccapurple;
	<p hidden>This is not rendered.</p>
	<p>Hello world!</p>
let greeting = document.querySelector('.greeting');

// Get text content
// returns "p {color: rebeccapurple;} This is not rendered. Hello world!"
let text = greeting.textContent;

// Set text content
// This completely replaces whats there, including any HTML elements
greeting.textContent = 'We can dynamically change the content.';

// Add text to the end of an element's existing content
greeting.textContent += ' Add this after what is already there.';

// Add text to the beginning of an element's existing content
greeting.textContent = 'We can add this to the beginning. ' + greeting.textContent;

// HTML elements are automatically encoded and rendered as-is
greeting.textContent = '<p>See you later!</p>';

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