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DOM Injection


Insert one or more elements or strings at the beginning of a set elements inside a shared parent. Call the Element.prepend() method on the target node, and pass in one or more new elements or strings as arguments.

<ul id="list">
	<li>Item 1</li>
	<li>Item 2</li>
	<li>Item 3</li>
// Create a new element
let li = document.createElement('li');
li.textContent = 'I am new here.';

// Create another new element
let liToo = document.createElement('li');
liToo.textContent = `I'm new, too!`;

// Get the parent node
let list = document.querySelector('#list');

// Insert the new node before the first element in the parent node
// <li>I am new here.</li><li>Item 1</li>...

// You can inject more than one item by passing in multiple arguments
// <li>I am new here.</li><li>I'm new, too!</li><li>Item 1</li>...
list.prepend(li, liToo);

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