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Recursion in JavaScript

In JavaScript, recursion is when you call a function from within itself until or unless a condition is a met. Today, we’re going to look at how it works.

Let’s dig in!

Count up by one

Let’s say we have a number, and we want to increase its value by 1. We have a helper function that takes a number, and returns that number plus 1.

 * Add one to a number
 * @param  {Number} num The number to increase
 * @return {Number}     The new number
function upByOne (num) {
	return num + 1;

To use it, you can do something like this.

// returns 42
let more = upByOne(41);

This is an absurd example, of course. It would be faster and easier to just add 1 to the number.

But it will help illustrate how recursion works, so let’s roll with it.

Adding recursion

Now, let’s say you wanted whatever number was returned to have a value of 10 or higher. If you passed in 7, instead of getting 8 back, you want to get back 10.

We can use recursion for that!

Inside our upByOne() function, we’ll add 1 to num. Then, we’ll check if it’s value is less than 10. If so, we’ll pass it back into upByOne() and return the result. Otherwise, we’ll return the new number.

 * Add one to a number
 * @param  {Number} num The number to increase
 * @return {Number}     The new number
function upByOne (num) {
	let bigger = num + 1;
	if (bigger < 10) {
		return upByOne(bigger);
	return bigger;

If you passed in 7, for example, bigger would have a value of 8. The if statement would return true, and 8 would get passed into upByOne().

The number would get increased to 9, the check would run again, and the process would repeat, until bigger had a value of 10.

// returns 10
let minOfTen = upByOne(7);

Here’s a demo.