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Plugins for Sublime and VS Code that make it easier to write documentation

Yesterday, one of my students pointed out that my in-code documentation always follows the same format. They asked if there are any plugins or references for how I document my code.

I use the JSDoc format for my in-code documentation. I don’t use it to generate HTML documentation or anything, but I do find it a useful standard for explaining how a block of code is supposed to work.

It uses this rough format:

 * [Description of the function]
 * @param  {[type]} [variable name] [description of the parameter/variable]
 * @param  {[type]} [variable name] [description of the parameter/variable]
 * @return {[type]}                 [description]

Sublime 3 is my text editor of choice. I use the fantastic DocBlockr plugin to make this easier.

When I used VS Code, the Complete JSDoc Tags extension was the best alternative to DocBlockr for Sublime.

With both plugins, you type /** and hit enter/return. They autogenerate the JSDoc header, pulling out variable names and setting things up for you.

Let’s say you have a function that adds two numbers together:

var add = function (num1, num2) {
    return num1 + num2;

DocBlockr adds this:

 * [add description]
 * @param {[type]} num1 [description]
 * @param {[type]} num2 [description]
var add = function (num1, num2) {
    return num1 + num2;

The Complete JSDoc Tags extension does something similar.

One annoying quirk with it, though: it splits your cursor onto two lines instead of just focusing on the [add description] line. Still, super useful if you need to write a lot of documentation!