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Petfinder API for WordPress 2

Petfinder API for WordPress got a major overhaul.

This toolkit was previously a complete plug-and-play solution modeled after my work with PAWS New England. Great for folks who just wanted to something up and running, but really difficult for developers who wanted to create custom solutions for their clients.

Since there’s already a great plugin for folks who need something that just works, I redesigned Petfinder API for WordPress as a toolkit for developers.

What's Included?

Petfinder for WordPress contains a handful of functions to help you quickly integrate Petfinder into your site:

  • An API feed to pull in your Petfinder data.
  • Conversions. Change the default Petfinder values into descriptive, human-readable text (ex. "Small" instead of "S").
  • A photo fetcher. Control the number and size of the photos, and display them easily with a simple function call.
  • Pet name cleanup. Remove weird characters from pet names.
  • Pet description cleanup. Remove the formatting and empty tags that get added by WYSIWYG editors.
  • A value condensor. Convert multi-word strings into single-word values that can be used as classes (useful for filtering pets with JavaScript).
  • Lists. Dynamically generate lists of all available animal types, breeds, sizes, ages, genders, and options.
  • Pet info. Grab key info, photos, descriptions and a link to their Petfinder profile for each pet in your shelter.
  • A shortcode. Display all of the info you want to share with a simple shortcode.

If you need to integrate the Petfinder API into WordPress, go grab the toolkit on GitHub.