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Injecting text instead of HTML with vanilla JS to reduce your risk of XSS attacks

Yesterday, we looked at how cross-site scripting attacks work, and outlined three approaches you can use to prevent them from happening. Today, we’re going to take a closer look at one of them: injecting plain text instead of HTML.

Let’s dig in!

Injecting plain text

One common approach to minimizing the risk of XSS attacks is to use properties that render plain text instead of HTML, such as Node.textContent or Element.innerText instead of HTML properties like Element.innerHTML.

HTML injected using one of the plain text properties is automatically encoded.

// Get the node to inject your content into
let app = document.querySelector('#app');

// Renders a string with encoded characters
// This would show up in the DOM as an encoded string (<img src=x onerror="alert('XSS Attack')">) instead of as an image element
app.textContent = `<img src=x onerror="alert('XSS Attack')">`;

Here’s a demo.

If you need to add markup around the content, pair Node.textContent or Element.innerText with the document.createElement() method, and inject it using one of the techniques from the previous lesson.

// Create your element
let content = document.createElement('h1');

// Add your content
content.textContent = `<img src=x onerror="alert('XSS Attack')">`;

// Insert the content into the app

Here’s another demo.

If you want to replace what’s already there, you can use Element.innerHTML to wipe the parent container first.

app.innerHTML = '';

Sanitizing URLs

Injecting text is great for body content, but it does not protect you when using third-party data as the href attribute on a link.

For that, you need to remove javascript: from the string with the String.replace() method.

// A dangerous URL
let url = `javascript:alert('Another XSS Attack')`;

// Create the link
let link = document.createElement('a');

// Add your content
link.textContent = `Click Me`;

// Sanitize and add the URL
link.href = url.replace(/javascript:/gi, '');

// Insert the content into the app

Here’s a demo of this technique.

Note: A savvy reader also pointed out that the String.replace() approach to removing javascript: can be thwarted by using a string like this: javajavascript:script:alert(1). This hack would require knowing specifically how our sanitizing code works, but it is still a vulnerability.

What’s next?

Using properties that set plain text values are great if you’re only adding text, but if you’re adding a lot of markup around it, using document.createElement() for every element can get tedious. Properties that inject HTML like Element.innerHTML and Element.outerHTML properties are so much easier.

Tomorrow, we’ll look at another approach you can use to selectively encode strings while still using HTML string properties like Element.innerHTML.