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How to use async and await in vanilla JS

In previous articles, I’ve written about JavaScript Promises and how to use Fetch to get asynchronous data.

Today and tomorrow, I want to dig into the async and await operators: what they do, how they work, and when and why you’d want to use them.

How Promises traditionally work in JavaScript

In the traditionalFn() function below, we make an asynchronous API call with the window.fetch() method.

When the response comes back and is parsed into JSON, we log it to the console. Immediately after making the call, we also log a message to the console.

function traditionalFn () {
	fetch('').then(function (response) {
		return response.json();
	}).then(function (data) {
		console.log('Traditional Fetch', data);
	console.log('Traditional Message');

When we run the traditionalFn() function, Traditional Message is logged into the console before Traditional Fetch and the data are.

Here’s a demo.

Because fetch() is asynchronous, the rest of our function does not wait for it to complete before continuing. But we if we wanted to do just that?

How to make asynchronous code wait before continuing

The async and await operators allow you to treat asynchronous code like synchronous code.

When you use the async operator before a function, you turn it into an async function. Inside an async function, you can use the await operator before asynchronous code to tell the function to wait for that operation to complete before moving on.

In this example, we’ve turned asyncFn() into an async function. We’ve also prefaced the window.fetch() call with the await operator.

async function asyncFn () {
	await fetch('').then(function (response) {
		return response.json();
	}).then(function (data) {
		console.log('Async Fetch', data);
	console.log('Async Message');

When this runs, Async Fetch and the returned data are logged into the console before Async Message. The function waited for the window.fetch() Promise to settle before continuing.

Here’s another demo.

An async function always returns a promise

One side-effect of using the async operator is that an async function always returns a promise, even if you’re not actually making any asynchronous calls in it.

// This returns a promise
async function getTheAnswer () {
	return 42;

let answer = getTheAnswer();

Here, answer does not have a value of 42. Instead, it’s value is a resolved promise that you can use Promise.then() and Promise.catch() with.

// logs 42 into the console
answer.then(function (data) {

Here’s one last demo for you.

Should you use Promise.then() or async/await?

I’ll be honest: I personally find async/await harder to read and write than traditional Promise.then() chains. For most asynchronous code, I prefer to use Promise.then().

This is absolutely a personal preference, though, so if async/await are simpler for you, by all means use them.

In situations where you actually need to wait for asynchronous code to resolve before continuing, though, async/await is the correct choice.

Tomorrow, we’re going to look at how you might structure your code differently when using async and await, as well as how to handle errors.