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How to scroll an element into view with vanilla JS

Yesterday, I learned about the Element.scrollIntoView() method. You can use it to scroll an element that’s not in the viewport into the viewport.

How it works

Let’s say you’ve got some markup like this.

<p>Hi there!</p>
<p id="anchor">You made it! ⚓︎</p>

You can scroll down to the #anchor element using vanilla JS like this.

var anchor = document.querySelector('#anchor');

Here’s a demo.


If you pass true into scrollIntoView(), it will align the element with the top of the page (the default if you do nothing). If you pass in false, it will scroll to the bottom of the page.

You can also pass in an object of options instead of a boolean.

	behavior: 'auto|smooth', // Defines the transition animation. default: auto
	block: 'start|center|end|nearest', // Defines vertical alignment. default: start
	inline: 'start|center|end|nearest' // Defines horizontal alignment. default: nearest

And if you use the scroll-behavior: smooth CSS property, the scroll will be animated, too.

Browser compatibility

The Element.scrollIntoView() method works in all modern browsers, and back to IE8. In IE8 there are a few options that don’t work, but it’s fully featured from IE9 and above.