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How to run a function repeatedly at a desired interval using vanilla JS

Yesterday, we looked at how to run a function after a certain period of time with the setInterval() method.

Today, we’re going to look at how to run a function repeatedly as an interval of your choice. Let’s dig in.

The setInterval() method

The setInterval() method works more-or-less the same as the setTimeout() method, except instead of running once, it runs over and over again.

It accepts two arguments: the function to run, and how long to wait (in milliseconds) between functions.

setInterval(function () {
	console.log('I will run every 2 seconds');
}, 2000);

It’s worth noting that the interval time is a minimum amount of time the browser should wait, and not a specific time.

If another function is actively running, the user’s tab has gone idle, or a handful of other things are going on, the function may take longer than the time you provided to run.

The callback function can be anonymous or named

Just like with setTimeout(), if you want, you can use a named function instead of an anonymous one to keep your code a bit more organized.

If you do, omit the parentheses (()) and just include the function name.

var logMe = function () {
	console.log('I ran');

setInterval(logMe, 2000);

Here’s a demo.

Stopping the interval

You can also stop the interval from running any more callback functions using the clearInterval() method.

Let’s say you need a dynamically rendered element to be in the DOM before doing something. It might be available immediately, or might take a few moments to get rendered.

Ideally, the JS that renders the element would surface a callback or event you can hook into, but what if it doesn’t?

You can use setInterval() to check for the element once a second until it’s available.

var getElem = setInterval(function () {

	// Look for the element in the DOM
	var elem = document.querySelector('#my-elem');

}, 1000);

Once you find it, you can call clearInterval() from inside the interval itself to stop it from running.

var getElem = setInterval(function () {

	// Look for the element in the DOM
	var elem = document.querySelector('#my-elem');

	// If the element is in the DOM, stop the interval and do something
	if (elem) {
		// Do something else...

}, 1000);

Here’s another demo.

Browser compatibility

The setInterval() method works in all modern browsers, and back to at least IE6.