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How to recreate the lodash inRange() method with vanilla JS

This week, I’ve been converting lodash methods into vanilla JS (so far, _.pull() and _.partition()).

Today, let’s recreate the _.inRange() method with vanilla JS.

What _.inRange() does

The lodash _.inRange() method takes a number, and checks to see if it’s between two other numbers.

You pass in the number, the start of the range, and the end of the range as arguments.

_.inRange(number, start, end);

// Returns true
_.inRange(2, 1, 4);

// Returns false
_.inRange(2, 3, 5);

You can also skip start and just pass in end. The method will use 0 for start by default.

// Returns true
_.inRange(2, 4);

If the number is equal to the start of the range, it passes. If it’s equal to the end, it fails. Personally, that seems weird to me.

// Returns true
_.inRange(2, 2, 4);

// Returns false
// Why?????
_.inRange(4, 2, 4);

Alright, let’s do this.

Recreating _.inRange() with vanilla JS

First, let’s setup our helper function.

var inRange = function (num, start, end) {
	// Do stuff...

Next, let’s check if our number is in the range.

I think the end should be inclusive, like the start is, so we’ll do things a bit differently than lodash here. We’ll check that num is greater than or equal to start, and less than or equal to end. Then, we’ll return the result.

var inRange = function (num, start, end) {
	return num >= start && num <= end;

The lodash version lets you drop start if you want, and defaults to 0. Let’s add that feature.

We’ll check to see if end exists. If it doesn’t, we’ll assign start as it’s value. Then, we’ll set start to 0.

var inRange = function (num, start, end) {

	// If no end number, use start as end
	if (!end) {
		end = start;
		start = 0;

	return num >= start && num <= end;


One last thing lodash does is flip the values of start and end if start is greater than end. This is done to support negative values.

// returns false
inRange(-2, -1, -4);

In this example, -1 is actually greater than -4, because they’re negative numbers. The number, -2 is in range, but if the numbers weren’t flipped, it would fail.

Personally, I think users should pass these in the right way, so I’m not going to support this feature.

// returns true
inRange(-2, -4, -1);

So with that, we’re done. Here’s a demo you can play with on CodePen.