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How to pick a random color with vanilla JS

Today, we’re going to look at how to pick a random color from a set of options.

Getting started

For this to work, you need to…

  1. Create an array of colors.
  2. Shuffle the array.
  3. Grab the first item from the now-shuffled array and set your elements background-color to it.

Let’s get started by creating a randomColor() function.

var randomColor = function () {
	// Pick a random color...

Picking the color

First, let’s create an array of color options.

var randomColor = function () {

	// The available colors
	var colors = ['blue', 'red', 'yellow', 'orange', 'green', 'rebeccapurple'];


Next, we need to shuffle the array of colors. There’s no native JavaScript method for that, but I wrote a helper function for that. And here’s my article explaining how it works.

Once we add that to the code, we can shuffle our array.

var shuffle = function (arr) {
	// The helper function code...
	// Condensed for space

var randomColor = function () {

	// The available colors
	var colors = ['blue', 'red', 'yellow', 'orange', 'green', 'rebeccapurple'];

	// Shuffle the colors


Finally, we can return the first color from the now shuffled list.

var randomColor = function () {

	// The available colors
	var colors = ['blue', 'red', 'yellow', 'orange', 'green', 'rebeccapurple'];

	// Shuffle the colors

	// Grab the first one
	return colors[0];


Here’s a demo of it in action.