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How to lock an object from being updated with vanilla JS

JavaScript provides two ways to prevent objects from being updated: Object.freeze() and Object.seal().

They do similar but slightly different things. Let’s dig in.

The Object.freeze() method

The Object.freeze() method prevents properties from being added, updated, or deleted from an object or array.

As an example, let’s say you had a wizard object with a few details.

let wizard = {
	name: 'Merlin',
	age: 'old AF'

If you pass it into the Object.freeze() method, then try to update and add some properties, you’ll find that the object remains unchanged.

// Freeze the object

// Try to make updates
wizard.age = 42;
wizard.wand = true;

// logs {name: "Merlin", age: "old AF"}

Here’s a demo.

The Object.seal() method

The Object.seal() method allows properties that are already in an object to be updated, but prevents new properties from being added and existing ones from being deleted altogether.

// Seal the object

// Try to make updates
wizard.age = 42;
wizard.wand = true;

// logs {name: "Merlin", age: 42}

Here’s another demo.