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How to format a number as currency with the Intl.NumberFormat API in vanilla JavaScript

Yesterday, we looked at how to create a formatted string from a number with the Intl.NumberFormat API.

Today, we’re going to learn how to use that same API to format currency. Let’s dig in!

(If you haven’t yet, go read yesterday’s article first or this one won’t make any sense.)

The options parameter on the Intl.NumberFormat() constructor

The new Intl.NumberFormat() constructor accepts a second optional argument: an object of options. We can use that to format a number into a currency.

For example, let’s imagine that you have an amount of money as a number.

let total = 67123.45;

You want to display this as a currency, like $67,123.45.

First, we’ll create a new Intl.NumberFormat() constructor. We’ll pass in undefined as the locale to use the visitors default language. We’ll also include an object of options.

For the options object, we’ll include a style property with a value of currency, and a currency property with a value of USD.

let formatCurrency = new Intl.NumberFormat(undefined, {
	style: 'currency',
	currency: 'USD'

Now, when we run the Intl.NumberFormat.format() method, our number gets formatted into a currency string.

// returns "$67,123.45"
let money = formatCurrency.format(total);

Here’s a demo.

Changing the currency type

Unfortunately, there is no default value for the currency property in the options object.

If style is currency, the currency property must be included. There’s also currently no browser-native way to get the user’s local currency. It has to be set manually.

In this example, a string of £67,123.45 for British Pounds is returned.

let formatPounds = new Intl.NumberFormat(undefined, {
	style: 'currency',
	currency: 'GBP'

// returns "£67,123.45"
let pounds = formatPounds.format(total);

Changing the formatting

The options object for the new Intl.NumberFormat() surfaces a few additional properties we can use to customize the formatting of our currency string.

The currencyDisplay property controls how the currency symbol is formatted.

The default is symbol. Using a value of code uses the ISO code (for example, USD), while a value of name writes the full currency name out (such as US dollars).

// returns "USD 67,123.45"
let code = new Intl.NumberFormat(undefined, {
	style: 'currency',
	currency: 'USD',
	currencyDisplay: 'code'

// returns "67,123.45 US dollars"
let name = new Intl.NumberFormat(undefined, {
	style: 'currency',
	currency: 'USD',
	currencyDisplay: 'name'

Here’s another demo.

The currencySign property can be used to change the format from using a normal negative number indicator to using parentheses, a common practice by accountants in many locales.

// returns "($123.00)"
let accounting = new Intl.NumberFormat(undefined, {
	style: 'currency',
	currency: 'USD',
	currencySign: 'accounting'

Here’s one last demo.