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How to create an HTML teleprompter

When I create code tutorials, I don’t use a script. I’m typically just sharing my screen and “winging it” off of some rough notes I’ve created.

But every now and then, I need to put together a “talking head” video. And when I do, I need a script or I’ll go completely off the rails in an ADHD-inspired tangent.

In the past, I used to put together slides with really large text and manually click through them all, but… that’s kind of PITA.

But sometime last year, I saw multiple people mention that they use the deprecated-but-still-works-in-every-browser marquee element as a no-cost teleprompter, and I’ve never looked back!

Today, I wanted to quickly show you how I have mine setup.


First, the marquee element itself.

<marquee direction="up" scrollamount="4" loop="1">

By default, they scroll left-to-right, but we want ours to scroll up. You can control that with the direction attribute.

I’ve found the marquee element scrolls too fast for me to read. The scrollamount attribute specifies how fast to move (in pixels-per-scroll). I set mine to 3 or 4.

I also don’t want it to repeat once I reach the end. The loop attribute specifies how many times to loop (with the default -1 meaning “go on forever”).


The marquee element is a bit unusable with it’s default styling. The text is too small and the page is too wide.

I add some basic styles to give it a more readable style.

body {
	font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol";
	height: 100vh;
	line-height: 1.2;
	margin: 1em auto;
	overflow: hidden;
	max-width: 40em;
	width: 88%;

marquee {
	max-height: 92vh;
	font-size: 2.4em;

My preference is to use the system font in a large size, and fill up the entire page.

Adding pause/play functionality with JavaScript

On its own, a styled marquee element is a simple, it-just-works teleprompter.

But I also want the ability to pause it if it’s going too fast, and start it playing again, while still keeping the recording going. For that, we need some JavaScript!

First, I use the document.querySelector() method to get the marquee element and assign it to the prompter variable.

// Get the prompter element
let prompter = document.querySelector('marquee');

I like to use the space bar or a mouse click to pause and play.

I added two event listeners: a keyup on the document, and a click on the prompter itself. Both run a controlPrompter() callback function.

// Listen for keyup and click events
document.addEventListener('keyup', controlPrompter);
prompter.addEventListener('click', controlPrompter);

For keyup events, the event object has a code property that surfaces the key that triggered the event.

If there’s an event.code property and if it doesn’t equal Space, I use the return operator to end my callback function early.

 * Control the prompter speed and scrolling
 * @param  {Event} event The event object
function controlPrompter (event) {
	if (event.code && event.code !== 'Space') return;

The marquee element has two JavaScript methods—start() and stop()—that you can use to start and stop scrolling, respectively.

I created a state variable to store whether the prompter is currently playing or paused, and use start and stop as its values.

// Get the prompter element
let prompter = document.querySelector('marquee');

// Maintain the state of the player
let state = 'start';

Inside the controlPrompter() function, I use a ternary operator to update the state variable.

Then, I use bracket notation to run the function for whatever the current state is to start or stop the prompter.

 * Control the prompter speed and scrolling
 * @param  {Event} event The event object
function controlPrompter (event) {
	if (event.code && event.code !== 'Space') return;
	state = state === 'start' ? 'stop' : 'start';

Now, I can start and stop my prompter while recording using my keyboard or mouse.

Here’s a demo.