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How to check for text in a string with vanilla JS

Let’s say you have a string, like this.

var hitchhiker = 'The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything';

You want to check if the string has the word question in it. How would you do that?

Today, we’re going to look at two ways to check for a string inside another string.

The String.includes() method

ES6 introduced a new method for checking for a string inside another string: String.includes().

Call the includes() method on your string, and pass in the substring you’re looking for inside it as an argument. It returns a boolean (true/false).

// returns true

// returns false

Here’s a demo.

The String.includes() method works in all modern browsers, but not IE. You can push support back to at least IE6 with a polyfill.

The String.indexOf() method

The String.indexOf() method is an older approach that tells you the starting index of a substring inside a string. If the substring doesn’t exist, it returns -1 instead.

// returns 27

// returns -1

You can use the indexOf() method to check if a substring exists or not by checking if the returned value is greater than -1.

// This logs to the console
if (hitchhiker.indexOf('question') > -1) {

// This does not
if (hitchhiker.indexOf('Neville') > -1) {
	console.log('This is not Harry Potter, you idiot!');

Here’s another demo for you.

The String.indexOf() method works in all modern browsers, and back to at least IE6.

A “gotcha” with both of these

Neither the String.includes() method nor String.indexOf() method check if the substring is a complete/standalone word.

For example, let’s check for the word quest. It’s not a word in our sentence, but it is part of the word question.

It return true with the includes() method, and 27 (just like question does) with the indexOf() method.

// returns true

// returns 27

Checking for complete words requires the use of regular expressions, and that’s an entirely separate article.

Which one should you use?

Today, I probably lean more towards String.includes(), with a polyfill. It’s rare that I actually need the index of the substring. I generally just want to know if it exists or not.

If you don’t want to bother with the polyfill, String.indexOf() still gets the job done, though!