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Going full screen with vanilla JS

One of my students asked how to make an element (or entire web page) toggle into full screen mode when a button is clicked.

Fortunately, there’s a browser-native API for that!

The Fullscreen API

The Fullscreen API exposes two methods, two events, and a property.

  • The Element.requestFullscreen() method puts an element into full screen mode.
  • The document.exitFullscreen() method exits full screen mode (it’s always called on the document).
  • The fullscreenchange event fires when the browser goes in or out of full screen mode.
  • The fullscreenerror event fires when an element fails to enter full screen mode.
  • The document.fullscreenElement property tells you which element is currently in full screen mode.

An example

Let’s say you have a button that, when clicked, should put the whole page into full screen mode.

<button data-toggle-fullscreen>Toggle Fullscreen</button>

First, you’ll create an event listener, and ignore any clicks that aren’t on the button.

document.addEventListener('click', function (event) {

	// Ignore clicks that weren't on the toggle button
	if (!'data-toggle-fullscreen')) return;

}, false);

Then, you’ll use document.fullscreenElement to check if something is already in full screen mode. If it is, you’ll use the exitFullscreen() method to exit. Otherwise, you’ll use the requestFullscreen() on the document.documentElement to enter it.

document.addEventListener('click', function (event) {

	// Ignore clicks that weren't on the toggle button
	if (!'data-toggle-fullscreen')) return;

	// If there's an element in fullscreen, exit
	// Otherwise, enter it
	if (document.fullscreenElement) {
	} else {

}, false);

Here’s a demo.

Browser Compatibility

The Fullscreen API works with all modern browsers, and IE11 and up. However… many browsers use namespaced implementations (like webkitRequestFullscreen()) instead of the standard.

I have polyfills on the Vanilla JS Toolkit for requestFullscreen(), exitFullscreen(), and fullscreenElement, that eliminate the need for vendor prefixes.

If you need support for events, too, I’d instead recommend using the full featured Fullscreen API Polyfill.