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Form Saver: Let users save and reuse form data

Form Saver is a handy little script that lets users save and reuse form data.

The Use Case

At PAWS New England dog rescue, each dog that’s available for adoption gets a lot of applications. Unfortunately, that means a lot of people who would be great dog owners don’t get to adopt their first choice.

We always encourage them to apply for another dog, because they’d be great owners! But, the PAWS New England Adoption Form is long. Really long.

When you’re trying to place a rescue dog, there are a lot of factors that go into whether or not a dog and family would be a good fit. It’s as much about the dog and their unique needs as it as about the family and their home environment. So we ask a lot of questions, and they’re all important.

Having to complete a long form—again—can deter great would-be-adopters from applying again. So, I built Form Saver.

Form Saver

Form Saver is a handy little script that gives users the ability to save their form data for reuse later.

Any time they go to fill out an adoption form, it’s automatically populated with their info. They just need to enter the name of the dog they’re interested in. Users can also delete their saved data if they want.

Open Sourced & Customizable

Form Saver is available on GitHub for use on your own projects.

By default, the “Save” button saves data from all completed form fields. You can choose to ignore certain fields by adding a .form-no-save class. You can also customize the “Saved” and “Deleted” success messages.

Download it, fork it, and make it better!