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Feature tests and server side JavaScript

In my plugins, I like to include feature tests so that my code will only run if the browser supports the modern APIs and methods that are used. This helps prevent unexpected errors.

var supports = 'querySelector' in document && 'addEventListener' in window;
// ...
publicAPIs.init = function () {
	if (!supports) throw 'This browser is not supported.';
	// ...

Lately, an increasing number of people have been using my scripts on Node servers will server-side rendered code (using things like Next.js and Nuxt).

There’s just one problem: document isn’t defined when the script loads on the server, so it errors out.

Fortunately, the fix for things like this is actually really simple. If I use a function for supports that returns my check, it won’t execute until it’s called in the init() method.

var supports = function () {
	return 'querySelector' in document && 'addEventListener' in window;
// ...
publicAPIs.init = function () {
	if (!supports()) throw 'This browser is not supported.';
	// ...

Problem solved!