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Everything is an object in JavaScript

In my article last week on state-based components with vanilla JS, I shared this little snippet for adding state to a simple component.

// This is a simple Component
var greeting = function () {
	return '<p>' + + ', ' + + '!</p>';

// This is the state = {
	greeting: 'Hello',
	name: 'there'

One of my readers asked (shared with permission):

What’s going on with assigning the function to a variable, but then you can just add object properties to it? isn’t it already a function, not an object?

Weird, right?

In JavaScript, everything is an object, even when it’s something else. Functions are objects. Strings are objects. Numbers are objects. Arrays are objects. Objects are objects.

As a result, anything can have properties assigned to it.

This is how a lot of methods work. For example, [1, 2, 3].length works because arrays are also objects and .length is a property of the Array object. Function.arguments is a property of the Function object.

You can assign properties to basically anything in JS.