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Event bubbling with lots of items

Reader Andrew asked (shared with permission):

How to structure the document.addEventListener('click', callbackFunction) from becoming a long list of if statements if listening for lots of events? For a handful it is ok, but when you get upwards of 2 or 3 it often begins to look unwieldy.

If you’re unsure what this means, first go read this primer on event bubbling. Here’s an example of what Andrew’s talking about.

document.addEventListener('click', function (event) {

	if ('.scroll')) {
		// Do something...

	if ('[data-some-attribute]')) {
		// Do something else...

	if ('#my-form')) {
		// Do another t hing...

}, false);

Honestly, sometimes that’s what mine looks like, too!

I will often break it up by plugin, so I may have three or four event listeners, with each one scoped to just a specific plugin or script.

I’ve seen some sites that attach click events to every DOM element that’s clickable, and you end up with 30-40 of them. That’s when stuff gets really bogged down.