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Dynamic content in static site generators

I’ve written a few times about my love of static site generators, and my move away from WordPress to Hugo.

Static site generators are powered by something called the JAM Stack, an acronym for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup.

The static site generator is the markup part of the JAM Stack. You feed it templates and markdown files, and it spits out flat HTML files that result in a super fast experience for your users.

Dynamic content is often powered by JavaScript and APIs. For example, I’ve written about how you can use a little vanilla JS to add search to your static site.

But… there’s also a way to add dynamic, API-driven features to a static website without JavaScript.

Why is that a good thing?

In a word: resilience (shout out to Jeremy Keith).

Client-side JavaScript has a lot of ways to fail. Server-side code can still fail, but the environment is a lot more predictable, controlled, and stable.

It also removes the “flash of content” that happens after a JS file loads and generates content client-side after the page itself has already been rendered. And, because you’re baking that content directly into the HTML, it reduces API calls and overall server load.

How it works

Today’s major static site generators all include the ability to generate content from JSON data files. They also provide functions you can use to fetch content from an API and use with this feature.

Hugo (my static site generator of choice) provides the getJSON function. Jekyll has a third-party plugin, jekyll_get.

And because 11ty is Node-based, you can use GraphQL or fetch.

See it in action

I use this approach on my sites. I have an API that serves up my calls-to-action and testimonials so that I can update them in a single place. Hugo fetches the data and bakes the content directly into the HTML.