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Do you need to worry about errors with querySelectorAll() in vanilla JS?

Yesterday, we looked at a technique for avoid errors when using querySelector() in vanilla JS.

Reader Kieran Barker asked:

We’re supposed to check if an element exists after using querySelector(). Do we need to check if the NodeList’s length is greater than zero when using querySelectorAll(), or is it not necessary since this will just return an empty NodeList rather than throw an exception?

When querySelector() doesn’t find a matching element, it returns null. This is why you’ll get an error if you try to run a method on it.

var noElem = document.querySelector('#this-element-does-not-exists')

// Logs "null"

// Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'classList' of null

When querySelectorAll() doesn’t find any matches, though, it returns an empty NodeList. Because of this, you can safely use any of the NodeList properties and methods and not get any errors.

var noElems = document.querySelectorAll('.these-elements-do-not-exist');

// Logs []

// No errors
noElems.forEach(function (elem) {

This (or a version of it) is actually how jQuery is able to do this and fail silently.

// No errors

The jQuery selector method ($()) is more akin to querySelectorAll() than querySelector(). When you call the jQuery.addClass() method on it, it’s looping over all matching elements. If none exist, it loops over an empty NodeList and nothing happens.