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Decoupling HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in design systems

Unpopular opinion: we should use JavaScript for far fewer things than we do right now.

Let’s dig in.

Leaning on the platform

Nicole Sullivan is a fucking legend in the web community.

She’s the inventor of OOCSS (for which both BEM and Tailwind owe literally everything). She’s the creator of CSSLint and

Nicole is now a product manager at Google. This week, she posted a thread on Twitter that had me nodding my head along to every single tweet.

Personal take: a lot of things would suck less if design systems and JS frameworks weren’t so tightly coupled.

Another take: JavaScript has overstepped. Declarative CSS and HTML need to do way more and push JS out of the design system space.

Save JS for the truly unique UI challenges… and for managing business logic and data. (And probably other things too, that I’m not thinking of)

You shouldn’t need JS for a 🤬 carousel or tabs… they are pretty standard patterns by now. If they were declarative we Sparkleswouldn’t need to bind every design system to every frameworkSparkles! (Yes, n^2)

Because there is JS in design systems you get this weird seam between the design system JS and the framework JS OR you duplicate your work and make a JS implementation for each front end stack your company uses.

Maintenance nightmare.

One of the weird internal conflicts I have is that my entire business is teaching people JavaScript, and I spend a good portion of my time advocating for people to use way, way less of it.

I want the web platform—the browser—to provide native components for these design patterns that seem to come up over-and-over again. It’s absurd that every design system essentially has to reinvent them (or include an OSS library that hopefully is well maintained).

What about web components?

Whenever I bring this up, inevitably someone says, “hey, we have web components now!” Nicole addresses that, too.

And no, I’m not advocating for web components. They are another flavor of JS and create another weird seam, JS to JS. Woman gesturing not ok

I’m advocating for CSS & HTML that can swap from one tab to another.

Could we cover 80% of the use cases for tabs if we had a declarative way of building them? Then JS could handle the 20% of tabs that are so custom they can’t be declarative? Idk yet, but let’s try?

I’m also advocating for a11y to be built in. It’s beyond nonsense that every developer has to manage individual ARIA properties.

To me, the details and summary elements are the perfect example of the kind of thing I want.

How details and summary work

You wrap content in a details element. Inside it, you nest a summary element, plus any additional content you want.

The summary element becomes an interactive toggle, expanding and collapsing everything else in the details element.

Click me to see more

Here’s more!

	<summary>Click me to see more</summary>
	<p>Here's more!</p>

If the browser doesn’t support details and summary, all of the content is shown by default, so the user still has a baseline experience.

You can style the details and summary elements with CSS, including using the list-style-image property to change the arrow icon.

details {
	margin-bottom: 1em;

summary {
	font-weight: bold;
	margin-bottom: 0.25em;

 * 1. Styling for Firefox and other non-webkit/blink browsers
 * 2. Styling for webkit and blink
summary, /* 1 */
summary::-webkit-details-marker { /* 2 */
	list-style-image: url('');

You can even listen for when an element is toggled open or closed with the toggle event.

document.addEventListener('toggle', function (event) {

	// The details element that was toggled
	let details =;

	// Check if the details element is open or closed
	if (details.hasAttribute('open')) {
	} else {


This is, to me, the perfect model for future components:

  • It works out-of-the-box with just HTML
  • It’s automatically progressively enhanced for unsupported browsers
  • It can be styled with CSS
  • It can be hooked into and extended with JavaScript
  • It doesn’t require CSS or JS to use

Are more native components coming?

Just a day later, Dave Rupert wrote an awesome post on his work advocating for a native tabs components.

For the past year I’ve been on a team of folks inside Open UI dedicated to figuring out how get a native, accessible <tabs> element into HTML. We’re a team of people with varying backgrounds; spec authors, browser vendors, implementors, and normie practitioners like myself.

Open UI is a community group so we can’t technically make HTML (for legal reasons), but we can present research to the W3C working groups. I see Open UI as an ad hoc research arm for the W3C with specific experience in design systems and common web componentry.

The “Tabvengers” as we’re known, have produced a couple research documents and experiments so far…

I love this!

Dave is, if my memory is correct, the person who I first heard suggest that more interactive components should be baked into the browser itself. I’ve been unable to “unsee it” ever since.