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Debugging event bubbling errors with vanilla JS

This week, Kieran Barker messaged me about a console error he was getting on a project he was working on.

Uncaught TypeError: is not a function at HTMLDocument.<anonymous>

He was using event delegation with the matches() method to detect hover events. And here’s an example of the type of code that was triggering that error.

document.addEventListener('mouseenter', function (event) {
	if ('button')) {
		console.log('Found the button!');
}, true);

You can play with this yourself in this CodePen.

Any idea what’s going on here? Kieran was kind enough to let me do a live debugging session with him and record it. Here’s the walk-through.

The short version: the event was also detecting hover events on the parent document object, which has no matches() method.

To prevent the error, he added a check to make sure matches() is supported by the element before trying to use it.

document.addEventListener('mouseenter', function (event) {

	// Make sure it's not the document object
	if (!('matches' in return;

	// Do your thing...
	if ('button')) {
		console.log('Found the button!');

}, true);