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Custom events with vanilla JS

JavaScript provides developers with a way to emit custom events that developers can listen for with the Element.addEventListener() method.

We can use custom events to let developers hook into the code that we write and run more code in response to when things happen. They provide a really flexible way to extend the functionality of a library or code base.

Today, we’re going to learn how they work. Let’s dig in!

Today’s article is an excerpt from my ebook and course on Writing Libraries with Vanilla JS.

How to create a custom event

You can create a custom event with the new CustomEvent() constructor.

Pass in the name of the event as an argument. You can optionally pass in an object of options: whether or not the event bubbles, whether or not it’s canceable, and any detail you want shared with the event object.

The options.detail property can be any type of data, including an array or object.

// Create the event
let event = new CustomEvent('my-custom-event', {
	bubbles: true,
	cancelable: true,
	detail: 'This is awesome. I could also be an object or array.'

Emitting a custom event on an element

After creating your event, you pass it into the Element.dispatchEvent() method to emit it.

You can emit your event on any element. For utility libraries, the document is a good choice. In a DOM manipulation library (a photo gallery library, for example), you might emit it on a specific element in the UI instead.

// Emit the event

Listening for custom events

You can listen for custom events with the Element.addEventListener() method, just like browser-native events.

document.addEventListener('my-custom-event', function (event) {

Here’s a demo.