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Converting numbers to strings with vanilla JavaScript

Yesterday, we looked at a few ways to convert strings to numbers. Today, we’re looking at how to convert numbers to strings with JavaScript.

Let’s dig in!

The Number.toFixed() method

You can use the Number.toFixed() method to format a number to a fixed number of decimal places. Pass in the number of decimal places as an argument.

It returns a string.

let pi = 3.14159;
let eleven = 11;

// returns 3.14

// returns 11.000

In yesterday’s article, I noted:

You can also pass existing numbers into the parseFloat() method, though it won’t add decimals to an integer. It gets returned out as-is.

You can combine parseFloat() with Number.toFixed() to add decimals.

// returns 42.00
let answer = parseFloat('42').toFixed(2);

Here’s a demo.

The Number.toString() method

Convert a number to a string.

let pi = 3.14;
let eleven = 11;

// returns "3.14"

// returns "11"

Here’s another demo.