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A vanilla JS alternative to the moment.js timeFromNow() method

My friend Andrew Borstein challenged me to come up with a vanilla JS alternative to the moment.js timeFromNow() method.

Challenged accepted!

What the moment().timeFromNow() method does

The moment().timeFromNow() method returns a formatted string with how long ago something happened.

You pass in a date from the past, and it returns things like a few seconds ago or 2 years ago.

// 4 years ago
moment([2007, 0, 29]).fromNow();

It only gives you dates in the past. There’s another function, moment.timeToNow(), for future dates.

What our timeFromNow() helper function will do

Our helper function is going to work a little bit differently.

One of the things I like about vanilla JS is the increased control you have. Rather than getting a preformatted string, I’d rather have the difference in time and the time units (years, months, etc.) that I can work with however I want.

I’d also prefer a function that works for both past and future events.

Instead of returning a string, our helper function will return an object with the difference in time, the time units, and whether the time is in the past or future.

Building a timeFromNow() helper function

First, let’s set up a helper function that accepts time as an argument.

var timeFromNow = function (time) {
	// Code goes here...

The time value can be a string, a Date() object, or a unix timestamp in milliseconds.

// These are all valid
timeFromNow('December 31, 1999');
timeFromNow(new Date('1999-12-31T10:30:00-04:00'));

Calculating the difference in time

To find the difference between the time and now, we first need to get a timestamp value for our time.

We’ll pass it into a new Date() object, and then call the getTime() method on it. We’ll also create another new Date() object to get the time right now, and get a timestamp for that, too.

If there’s no valid unixTime (if the user passed in a bad date, for example), we’ll return null.

var timeFromNow = function (time) {

	// Get timestamps
	var unixTime = new Date(time).getTime();
	if (!unixTime) return;
	var now = new Date().getTime();


Next, we’ll subtract the time now from our unixTime to get the difference between the time and now.

Both timestamps are in milliseconds, and the smallest unit we want to work with is seconds, so we’ll divide both numbers by 1000 first to convert them to seconds.

var timeFromNow = function (time) {

	// Get timestamps
	var unixTime = new Date(time).getTime();
	if (!unixTime) return;
	var now = new Date().getTime();

	// Calculate difference
	var difference = (unixTime / 1000) - (now / 1000);


Creating our time from now data

Next, let’s setup an object called tfn that will hold our time from now data.

The first piece of data we’ll add is when the time happens: in the past, right now, or in the future. If the difference is greater than 0, it happened in the future. If it’s less than -1, it happens in the past. Otherwise, it’s happening right now.

(We use -1 instead of 0 to account for slight fractions that can happen with timestamps.)

var timeFromNow = function (time) {

	// Get timestamps
	var unixTime = new Date(time).getTime();
	if (!unixTime) return;
	var now = new Date().getTime();

	// Calculate difference
	var difference = (unixTime / 1000) - (now / 1000);

	// Setup return object
	var tfn = {};

	// Check if time is in the past, present, or future
	tfn.when = 'now';
	if (difference > 0) {
		tfn.when = 'future';
	} else if (difference < -1) {
		tfn.when = 'past';


Calculating time units

Next, we need to figure out if our difference is years, months, days, hours, or seconds long.

First, we’ll use the Math.abs() method to convert any negative numbers into positive ones. Then, we can check out unitOfTime.

For this, we’ll divide the difference by the number of seconds in a year, month, day, and hour. If that value is greater than 1, that’s our unit. Otherwise, we keep going. Because the length of months can vary, we’ll use 45 for the number of days there.

We’ll also set the tfn.time, and use the Math.floor() method to round down to nearest whole integer.

var timeFromNow = function (time) {

	// ...

	// Convert difference to absolute
	difference = Math.abs(difference);

	// Calculate time unit
	if (difference / (60 * 60 * 24 * 365) > 1) {
		// Years
		tfn.unitOfTime = 'years';
		tfn.time = Math.floor(difference / (60 * 60 * 24 * 365));
	} else if (difference / (60 * 60 * 24 * 45) > 1) {
		// Months
		tfn.unitOfTime = 'months';
		tfn.time = Math.floor(difference / (60 * 60 * 24 * 45));
	} else if (difference / (60 * 60 * 24) > 1) {
		// Days
		tfn.unitOfTime = 'days';
		tfn.time = Math.floor(difference / (60 * 60 * 24));
	} else if (difference / (60 * 60) > 1) {
		// Hours
		tfn.unitOfTime = 'hours';
		tfn.time = Math.floor(difference / (60 * 60));
	} else {
		// Seconds
		tfn.unitOfTime = 'seconds';
		tfn.time = Math.floor(difference);


If those numbers are confusing, let’s break it down a bit.

There are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 24 hours in a day. There are 365 days in a year. To calculate the number of seconds in a year, we multiply all of those numbers together.

// The number of seconds in a year
var year = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365;

For days, we would multiply 60 seconds by 60 minutes to get an hour of seconds, then multiply by 24 (the number of hours in a day).

// The number of seconds in a day
var day = 60 * 60 * 24;

Returning our tfn object

Now that we’ve done all of our calculations, the last thing to do is return our tfn object.

var timeFromNow = function (time) {

	// ...

	// Return time from now data
	return tfn;


Putting it all together

Here’s a demo you can play with on CodePen. You can grab the completed helper function over on the Vanilla JS Toolkit.

This will work in all modern browsers, and at least back to IE 9.