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Why use the vanilla JS FontFaceSet.load() method instead of the CSS font-display: swap property?

On Friday, I wrote about my font loading strategy using the vanilla JS FontFaceSet.load() method.

I got back a ton of emails from folks asking:

Why would you use this approach over the CSS font-display: swap property?

Great question!

How the font-display: swap property technique works

With this approach, you define your full font stack, including custom typefaces and system fallbacks, on a single property.

body {
	font-family: "PT Serif", Georgia, serif;

In your @font-face declaration, you add font-display: swap, which tells the browser to use a system fallback until the font loads, and then swap it out for the custom one.

@font-face {
	font-family: 'PT Serif';
	font-display: swap;
	src: local('PT Serif'), url(path/to/pt-serif.woff2) format('woff2');

And that’s it. Browser’s handle the rest.

The only third-party font repository to support this technique right now is Google Fonts. Add the display=swap query to the end of the font path to enable it.

The biggest reason to not use this approach

For me, personally, the biggest reason is browser support.

FontFaceSet.load() works across a wide range of desktop and mobile browsers (with the exception of IE/Edge). When it’s not supported, users get your fallback system font instead.

The font-display: swap property works across the same desktop browsers as FontFaceSet.load(), but has much worse mobile browser support. And mobile browsers are the ones hit hardest by custom fonts.

When font-display: swap isn’t supported, users get the Flash of Invisible Text experience instead of the system font fallback.

In other words, FontFaceSet.load() provides more support to the users who need the approach most, and a better experience for users when it’s not supported.

Other reasons

Zach Leatherman wrote a whole article with a whole bunch of reasons why you’d still want to use the JS solution over the CSS approach.

They include:

  1. Better control over repaints when loading multiple custom typefaces.
  2. The ability to adapt to user preferences and bandwidth contexts.
  3. Better integration with many third-party hosts.

Go read his post for all of the awesome details.