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Joining Constant Contact

I’m delighted to announce that I’ve joined Constant Contact as a front-end web developer.

As part of the UX team, I’ll be helping ensure that users have a great experience with our suite of products on devices of all screen sizes and capabilities. I will continue to blog here and contribute to the open source community, and I look forward to sharing what I learn from my talented new coworkers.

Shoulders of Giants

This move is bittersweet for me. I’m leaving behind many wonderful and talented colleagues at EMC.

I joined EMC more than five years ago as an HR guy. I was encouraged to grow, try new things, and explore interesting career opportunities. Were it not for some wonderful leaders and peers at EMC, I might not be a web developer today. It’s where I grew up professionally.

But while EMC makes products that power the web, their focus is not on products for the web, and that’s where my passions lie today.

This next step in my career also would not have happened without the help of the web community at large. Folks like Trent Walton, Dave Rupert, Brad Frost, Todd Motto, and Keith Rousseau shaped how I think about making things for the web and gave me a free education in web development.

To my old colleagues, new colleagues, and internet friends… thanks!